Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This week Winter has reminded us that her cold air
will still whirl snow, and create the morning hush
as if it were her first arrival in town......

Cozy at home, and without a car for months now
I once again embraced her ice whipping winds
that cut through the trees and up the river
rattling the old windows of this house......

I know when she's coming, the house starts creaking
and speaking to me about her entrance in a bustling
cloud of snow that has yet no calm in her to settle....

So undone yet is she, drifting me in for the day with
her snow skirt, now caught between the screen and kitchen doors,
as she once again puts on her white display

(for S. Mara)XO

So I decided to make bread and french onion soup..........

As I await the aromas of a sweet spring, I called forth my cravings of sweet
aromatic scents and wines that sooth and comfort on a cold day....... i was
craving something familiar yet different.........hmmm......i thought.....this week
will be about a little Sherry........and Cinnamon........and what warm hues and
scents can do............
